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Welcome to Driscolls Natural

  • Personal health beliefs and facts: The information presented here is for informational purposes only. I firmly believe that people should take charge of their own health and take responsibility for any herb, drug or other substance they choose to put into their bodies.
  • I am not a doctor, or licence medical professional. An important facet of herbalism is that every individual is a unique circumstance, and choosing the right herb to use takes into account a persons age, weight, health conditions, emotional well being, and living environment and so on. This is very different from prescription drugs that are targeted at defeating a disease, not keeping people well.
  • I do believe in sharing knowledge among equals, in the traditional way that "folklore", the collective wisdom of ordinary people has always been passed down from one generation to the next. There is a concern that the governments can become too intrusive and seek to suppress this kind of knowledge in an misguided effort to protect consumers. Read about the Dietary Supplement Health and Education act of 1994 and find out why should you care about this issue.

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  • Contact Us : customerservice@driscollsnatural.com We welcome questions, but be aware it is our policy to never buy or respond to unsolicited commercial emails, and the internet would be a better place for all of us if no one did.

Salvia divinorum, Kratom, San Pedro Cactus and more
Salvia divinorum, Kratom, San Pedro Cactus and more